Thursday, October 21, 2010

The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic.

It's finally Halloween weekend! I'm ready to troll the streets of LA and the KCRW party with my chosen partner in crime. What better excuse to run the train wreck express through a party than dressing up as the infamous hot messes of Absolutely Fabulous? I'll be dressing up as Patsy Stone.

What are you all dressing up as?

Party safe everyone!

Monday, October 4, 2010

just stopped by to say...

i'm feeling this.

flashy and trashy. just the way mama likes it!

PS: how do i make my images bigger? i'm pretty horrid with computers, and use a crap blogger template. oh, and i already have my settings on large image. what gives?

*image from Kera March 2007; scanned by me.
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