Monday, May 10, 2010

Current State

summed up perfectly by this photo

Matthias Vriens-McGrath for Numero Tokyo June 2010 via fashiongonerogue


  1. The last time I was here was for your Madonna bondage post. EPICNESS ON A LICKABLE STICK. You had me searching high and low through the abundance of photogs that is that website for that editorial in particular.

    Been following you since Sept. of last year, 'cept I never had a blog so I couldn't really "follow" you. But now I do, and I gotta tell you now that I really do love your posts no matter how few and far in between they may be. <3

    PS. I hope you at least have some energy in person to "pull down your skirt" (I know it's not you xD) I mean if you really had those shoes you have to admit it'd be like being hypnotized by crack.

  2. thanks for the sweet comment! i still like the madonna post too btw =)

  3. ah ah, know what you mean!!! I feel like this often :D


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