It's finally Halloween weekend! I'm ready to troll the streets of LA and the KCRW party with my chosen partner in crime. What better excuse to run the train wreck express through a party than dressing up as the infamous hot messes of Absolutely Fabulous? I'll be dressing up as Patsy Stone.
PS: how do i make my images bigger? i'm pretty horrid with computers, and use a crap blogger template. oh, and i already have my settings on large image. what gives?
I randomly found these photos I took the last time I was in the motherland (aka Japan). It's been a little over 4 years since my last visit. Looks like I'm due for another trip.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
photographed by Anthony Maule hair by Paul Hanlon makeup by Hannah Murray styled by Clare Richardson
*Karlie in Command from WWD Beauty Biz, Scanned by Me
I was scrolling through my google reader this morning and came upon these images from fashiongonerogue. While I think that the editorial could have been much stronger (some of the poses are way to pedestrian for my taste), the styling and concept are pretty befitting of my blog's name wouldn't you say?
Is anyone else completely bored and feeling uninspired by fashion as of late? For the past couple of months fashion has left me feeling, well...a bit stale. I'd elaborate on the many reasons behind my boredom, but I don't have the time nor the energy to open this can of worms.
Anyway, while wading in the clusterfuck that is my brain, I thought I'd pop on the blog and really start to share things that consistently inspire or move me. Hence this Alice in Chains post (actually it's more like a Layne Staley tribute). After all, good music and gorgeous men never cease to inspire =)
Alice in Chains is by far my favorite group to come out of the 90s grunge scene. Yes, I like them more than Nirvana. Blasphemy? Who knows. Nirvana may have Alice beat in quantity of good songs, but no Nirvana song beats The Rooster..or Man in the Box.. or Would for that matter. Just my humble 2 cents.
Regardless of the preference, Alice In Chains has some really seductive and dark grunge tunes. There's nothing I've been enjoying more than drowning out the world and listening to "the Rooster' full blast. I've gone ahead and embedded my favorite Alice in Chains songs in this post for your auditory pleasure...
Oh and of course, I had to put up some eye candy aka the late Layne Staley.